Man V God 2

In William Blake's A Marriage of Heaven and Hell he shows admiration for both the Devil and for God. Why? Because they both create. John Milton's Paradise Lost shows this same reverence. God created existence and the Devil created his own heaven from the refuse of God's creation. Man creates so that he may emulate God. For the notion of God is purely a human trait, so to say that God has no definition, no boundaries, but across the earth is known as the essence of creation. If a society has a god, any god at all it is a creator. This then leads man to want to be God. The only way a mortal can be close to becoming God is through creation. And if God is the pure essence from which everything flows, then God is the ultimate and supreme good. Therefore the best a human can wish to be is God. And the only way to emulate God is through creation.
Creation itself is split amongst phenomenal and noumenal creation. The phenomenal creation is aesthetic and tangible. It can be felt, seen, smelled or heard. It effects and affects the senses. The noumenal creation however can only be detected through the intellect, through the mind and imagination. Ideas are noumenal creations, and they must be created. There are no ideas floating in the ether awaiting to be perceived, they are created through the synapses of our gray matter, our decomposing meat brain.
The creation of art and aesthetic beauty is often praised more highly than the creation of life, and even though they are both phenomenal creations, they compete for legitimacy. The noumenal creation of ideas is the muse for the phenomenal creation. Without the ethereal influences upon the brain creation can never reach the hands. To recreate noumenal creation one must create Human life. Therefore creation of human life is the closest to Godliness man can achieve. Only when the original is created can recreation exist. Man will never be God, for God is never phenomenal, only ethereal, noumenal. God has never been created, only lives in a state of continuous creation. The noumenal, un-manifested creation is God, if God were ever manifested into any physical form God would cease to be in a constant state of creation, God would have become Gods own creation, and therefore no longer boundless and ever changing. God would die, God would cease. So man cannot sense God, and man cannot be God. We can only imitate God through creation of noumenal existence and creativity in others.
"Woman is a ray of God. She is not just the earthly beloved; she is creative, not created."