Saturday, February 18, 2023

here and now

 Where do we begin to heal?

When do we begin to heal?
How do we reconcile with our amends being made?
How do we love, while being hurt?
How do we forgive our trespassers, within the moment of agression?
How do we forgive those who take time from us?

When do we begin to forgive?

In a moment of desire we cannot forgive a person.
We may desire a moment of their time.
We may desire their love.
We may desire their touch, their kiss, their very presence in the room.
We may desire their death, harm, malice and pain.
No matter the form.
One cannot forgive those whom one desires.

So forgiveness comes from apathy?
A moment devoid of desire?
Is forgiveness the absence of desire?
I do not desire you, or your suffering.
I do not desire your attention or your kiss.
I do not desire your friendship nor your company.
I do not desire to look at you, hear you, feel you or perceive you.
But still I cannot forgive you...

So when do we forgive?
What do we need to forgive?
What love exists that allows us to forgive what shall happen as well as what has happened?
What love creates this moment, only for us to suffer it?

How do we forgive and love the person without desire?
How do we love without desire?

How do we answer these questions without the interference of god?

A winter meditation on the shore

 I am working on an exercise to restart the writing process

I tell myself close your eyes and take a word. 

I love you is the first thing to mind. 

So let us take Love, and in our mind we open the top of the word.

And what is inside love?

What is inside love?
A warmth within a dark glowing emptiness
What is inside love? 
The energy that moves the universe
I see nothing within the word love, except the warmth and energy of Love
So the word carries the warmth, but it does not create it.
 It transfers the energy for us, from us.
The warmth and the energy that we associate with the word is created within our own being
emanating from us during times of joy, sex and desire
But how do we get IN love?
How do we live within love?
Fallacies of the Romanticists, poets and lovers past
Fallacies of my own

We do not fall in or out of love for there is no well to dive
There is no spring of love, no eternal ethereal oasis of love
It is conjured from our soul, from our energy
Created from within the shell of our emotional preceptions
So to live in love
You must open your love and pour the warmth into it and let it overflow

To live in the glory of love, within the warmth and boundless joy of love
you must open your preceptions of love and emit it brightly without conduit, without fear of loss
or reciprocation. Because to love is just as beautiful and strong as it is to be loved