The powers that be want to make it illegal to smoke within 25 feet of a smoke free building. They have already mad it illegal to smoke in a drinking hall known as a BAR… where people of consenting age go to consume strong drink and complete other tasks of debauchery. This new bill, I think is ridiculous. Some nitpicking soccer moms got mad that they went to a bar to get drunk and fuck a complete stranger and they had to smell cigarettes... I think this is another form of discrimination. I can see banning smoke in places that are not affiliated with booze, like offices, restaurants, train stations and bus terminals and doctors offices but why bars? In bars I think it is a dumb idea because bars are for debauchery... aka sex drugs and rock and roll… Lemmie' get a scotch and hold the lung cancer....Here is to cirrhosis of the liver… May it never be a social stigmatism!
The main argument for the ban is the bartenders have to deal with it…
WELL GUESS WHAT…. FUCK THEM... they want clean air let them become forest rangers…but then they will have to ban forest fires because nature gives you the black lung…
I will smoke right out front of these smoke free buildings with my middle finger up and a lawyer videotaping the incident… NO…

I'll get some old fucker that's 92 years old, smokes every day of his life and have him fucking a hooker downing bourbon while puffing on a two foot cigar while chewing tobacco… I'll be there laughing hysterically when he launches his chaw on some big-tittied intern with her boobs hanging out and her placid Viagra chomping CEO feeling up her skirt taking money from his employees pension fund…
Fuck society NOW I WANNA SMOKE! That's right…fuck them if they think they can tell me I can't smoke outside…2nd amendment allows me to carry a gun... why can't I carry a stogie… well you can carry one....your just going to be shot if you smoke it… So I'll carry a flare-gun and a cigar... smoking with the flare-gun poking out my pants and a little sign that says, "In case of censorship emergency break silence and pull trigger!"
... oh wait that was banned in the patriot act...